About Us
“It is like WAOB puts a microphone
up to the Catholic Church.”
-a priest who listens regularly
On the Feast of St. Joseph, March 19, 2010, We Are One Body Radio (WAOB) began regular broadcasting. From its headquarters in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Since that time, we have been producing catechetical and contemplative programming. WAOB® is not a talk radio station.
We Are One Body® Radio has a goal of making its best effort at offering a "window into the life of the Church", while, at the same time, offering an environment that allows the listeners to meditate upon what they have heard. WAOB® makes use of both sacred music and on-air silence to help create this meditative environment for its listeners.
To highlight the life of the Church, We Are One Body® Radio focuses upon the Church calendar, including the:
The Liturgical Feast Days and Solemnities
The Liturgical celebrations
The daily scripture readings
The Liturgy of the Hours
Devotional prayers
The daily Collect prayer
The Saint of the Day
Then, as the Church's Magisterial Teaching is broadcast throughout the day, Priests offer commentary and reflections on the following:
The Teachings of the Popes
The Teachings of the Bishops
The Magisterial Church Documents (including The Catechism of the Catholic Church and The Compendium on the Social Doctrine of the Church)
The writings of the Doctors of the Church
The Collect of the day
The Saint of the Day (usually making use of the Vatican's written summaries of the Saints)
Finally, the laity offer their support via the hosting of the programming, the production of the programming, the operations of the radio stations, and by praying some of the Liturgy of the Hours and devotional prayers that are broadcast on We Are One Body® Radio.
The programming is intended to present the life of the Church in a way that makes the Mystical Body of Christ more apparent: the Pope and bishops united with their priests, in their role as head, working together with the laity in their role as members.
Bishop Emeritus Lawrence Brandt once stated, in a reflection that was broadcast on We Are One Body® Radio, "I hope that through these reflections, many listeners will delve more deeply into their faith, be informed about the teachings of the Church, come to a deeper understanding of the connection between faith and life, and be drawn closer to God our Father, Who abides with us." We can all hope and pray that the We Are One Body® Radio programming will help its listeners see this statement fulfilled in their lives.
May our patrons, all of the Angels and Saints, intercede before our Lord for We Are One Body® Radio, its staff, its listeners and all whom our God would like to touch through its daily operations and programming -- especially Saint Joseph, the Protector of the Church, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saints Peter and Paul!
Thank you for all you do! What a blessing to be able to turn on the radio or computer and hear the edifying faith messages and calming prayers. In a year that has been very different- WAOB has been a constant..”
-Raissa Federline, a faithful listener